Thursday, February 27, 2014


I first logged on the the site to simply delete the blog.  I scrolled through the options to find the delete button, moved the cursor over the top, then stopped.  I thought I would allow myself one last look at some old photos before removing.

You see, I am obviously not so great at this blogging concept.  I used to keep up with it regularly, but life is not as flexible as it used to be.  But I'm ok with that - this is the season of life.  I am in the season of life of chasing a toddler, cleaning up messes, squeezing in dress up and Barbies, fitting in spelling homework, making dinner, baths, bedtime routines, packing lunches, grocery shopping for a family of 5 with food allergies, etc . . .  Momma friends, you know there isn't enough time or space to fill the space with all the tasks.  However, I wouldn't change it.  And I will be unapologetic about saying no to really good things (example keeping up with the blog) to say yes to the great (being present in the moment with my littles).  That concept sounds great and I could even say it in a way to make it sound like I have it all together.  Truth is, I go to bed most nights thinking, "I'll do better tomorrow" or "I'm thankful His mercies are new each morning".  That's ok, though.  In text, I will give myself a little grace and know I am doing the best I feel like I can.

To echo a previous post, I'm happily riding the crazy train with my sweet babies.  I'm so so Thankful for the memories we make each day just living normal life.  I find myself missing the moments as we experience them and wishing I could bottle them up to relive over and over again.

So, as much for me as for my readers (Meme), here are some of my recent favorite attempts at bottling up time to relive in pictures.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday!

As I type this, I have an 11month old.  Give me a little grace - I only have less than 24 hours to truly say I have a child measured in months.  How is it possible that this little love will be 1 tomorrow?  It seems like yesterday when he arrived and he is such a gift.  Grayson is loving, gentle, happy, funny, energetic, and cuddly.  He loves to play, read books, give kisses (not much for blowing them - he wants to come in for the real thing), dance, clap for himself, splash in the tub, sing (a new trick), play ball, be outside, and nurse. :)  I cannot imagine life without him and am so thankful I get to be his mommy.
Yesterday we celebrated "Grayson's Rookie Year" first birthday party.  He loved being outside, being held by family and friends, playing, the gifts - but obviously not such a huge fan of the cake event.  I am so thankful for the family and friends that came to celebrate Grayson.  Each and every person plays a special role in helping to raise and mold this little guy and his life is blessed by so much love, prayer, and wisdom.  He is a treasure to our family and especially to this momma's heart.  Thanks be to God for his indescribable gifts.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I am a planner.   I am a list maker of the lists I still need to make.  I am not a spur of the moment, make a decision on a whim kind of girl.  All that to be said, dangle a beach vacation in front of me of and I can throw all these typical characteristics out the window real fast.  Last Monday, Ronnie called at 9:30 am to tell me our typical vacation spot was available if we were interested.  The catch - the availability began the next day.  I, of course, instantly said no - too crazy.  After about 5 minutes of lingering thoughts, I called back and said we could probably make it work - all the while I am throwing sunscreen and towels into resuable grocery sacks like it's nobody's business.  To maintain some sense of responsibility, I did say my only stipulation was that we needed to have a conversation with Ella's teacher.  I know - we are only at 2nd grade.  However, my degree that took 5 years to make me an educator by trade does require some sense of loyalty to the field!

By 5:00 pm, we are loaded up and beach bound.  The kids traveled great and we had a blast while there.  We are arrive, unpack, go to the grocery, and lay low for the week kind of people.  To me, the less you are sitting in a vehicle and the more you are sitting on the beach - the better.  Ella loves riding the waves, Kinsley loves to build sand castles and swim in the pool, and Grayson loved the ocean and all the seagulls.  It does this momma heart good to know we have beach loving kiddos.

We took a boat trip one evening to do some "shelling" and dolphin watching.  Other than that, we watched sunsets, parked it under our beach tent, cooked dinners in the condo, ate popsicles on the balcony, and took it easy.  I would say we were due a little relaxation

after we threw together a vacation in a matter of hours.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Happily Riding The Crazy Train

Let me explain what I mean, I was one of those moms that felt like - for the most part - we had things under control.  Our kids were always accounted for, and general well behaved.  Then baby #3 comes along and shakes the "man to man defense" as Ronnie likes to call it.  Not being much of a sports guru, moving from "man to man" to "zone" didn't mean all that much to me.  Now - 10 months later, I get it.
In the same breath, I will also say that it has made me a better mom.  I know great families with one child, amazing parents with two kiddos, but three is a great number for us.  Three has caused me to realize there is a lot more that I have to just let go.  Three kids means my attention is usually always claimed by one, so the others entertain themselves.  Three kids, for me, has allowed me to loosen the reigns with parenting.  My house never feels fully clean, there almost always is laundry waiting to be folded in the dryer, my to do list stays longer than I would like it, and there are definite moments of chaos.  However, I have become more relaxed, feel like there are a lot less moments I need to control, and a lot more grateful . . . even for the crazy.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Been too long to say "I'm Back"...

So after a few months, I could easy post a quick "sorry for the delay" and jump back in with an update. Over a year, and one additional child later, it's far too late to call a "delay".  Not too mention that I can't even remember how to long into the old blog.  So here we go - new blog!  I will tell you now (mom), I doubt I can be super frequent.  I will definitely do my best, though.

Summer 2013:
In a nutshell - lots of simple fun making memories.  At the end of the school year, we created a summer bucket list that we hung on the door.  There were about 50+ different activities, ranging from family game night to vacation.  I am happy to say that almost all were crossed off, fun times were had, and our kids have labeled it "The Best Summer Ever"!  Of course, the verbal kids are 4 and 7, so just about anything could have been the best summer ever, but it was a special one with simplistic fun around home.

So it is back to school tomorrow and back to routine life that we truly have abandoned since May.  A quick at a glance update of each sweet child:

Ella is going into 2nd grade, into Mrs. Hendrix class.  She is a joy and treasure.  If she was applying for a job as a nanny, even at the age of 7, I would hire her.  Seriously, this little girl entertains her brother and sister and is such a precious caregiver.  She is funny, loving, generous, thoughtful, creative, smart, sensitive, and wise.  She loves to read, sing, write songs, race across monkey bars, play with animals, and host friends and neighbors in our home.  I know God has great things in store for her life.  I can already see the gifts and talents He has blessed her with and am excited to see how He uses her.

Sweet Kinsley truly loves life.  Her smile lights up her whole face, and in turn, can light up a room.  She is a fun mix of rambunctious and sincerity.  She is the first to say, "I love you", and that the high of every single day for her is being with her family.  She loves to play, be outside on the swing or in the sandbox, pick flowers, help cook, and do just about anything with her siblings.  She loves animals, baby dolls, playdough, water play, making people laugh, and comfy clothes.  Her prayers are genuine, heartfelt, and honest.  She is opinionated, strong, loving, and thoughtful.  I love her immensely, and the joy her true love of life brings into our home.

For the newest addition (other than he is 10 months old), I introduce Grayson.  That's right - a BOY joined this Cordrey clan.  He is loved and nurtured by all 3 of his mommas.  This little guy wants for no attention in our home.  He squeals when he wants something, and the sissies deliver.  Grayson is crawling (army crawl), is an amazing sleeper, still loves milk, and only wants table food.  He loves to play toys, be outside, give kisses, and  look at books.  He is starting to pull up and will be fearless I am thinking.  This little guy is precious and I can't imagine our family without him.  I don't yet know his true personality but I cannot wait to watch it develop.  On second thought - I can.  The past 10 months have gone way too fast.

So life is wonderful.  Ella starts back to school, Grayson and Kinsley will go a couple of days a week beginning back in September.  I start back as a part time Reading Interventionist with Oldham County Schools soon.  Ronnie is working with Southeast Christian church with Men's Ministry.  We still have Wrigley, our yellow lab who is big, sounds ferocious, and terrified of everything.  We are living a simple laid back life, trying to slow down the days and have intentional moments, and also striving to make special memories and develop traditions along the way.  It definitely isn't perfect, and I make lots of mistakes along the way, but I wouldn't trade any of it.